Don't Get Snowed Under With Workers' Compensation Paperwork


When a worker gets hurt at work or becomes ill, their employer's workers' compensation will likely provide benefits. Those benefits may include disability pay and medical treatment coverage. The more serious the affliction, the more complicated and lengthy your recuperation will be. You can expect the complexity to be even greater if you have a permanent injury. It's important for hurt workers to be prepared for the deluge of documentation that is coming their way and to be organized with it. Read on for a summary of what to expect and how to deal with it.

Workers' Compensation Claim Form

With workers' compensation being a state-run entity, the rules can vary a bit from place to place. In some locations, the worker is responsible for completing the claim form that lets the insurer know about the need for benefits. In other places, however, that is the job of your direct supervisor. No matter who fills it out, it should be done correctly, Don't leave blank spaces, use plenty of details, list any witnesses, and never sign a form that is incomplete or that has mistakes. Be sure to keep a copy of your own.

Medical Treatment-Related Info

You must be treated by a doctor to qualify for benefits. You should be transported to or go to the closest emergency room or to see a doctor as soon as possible after you are injured. Start a file folder and keep all documentation related to your medical needs. That might include doctor's notes, orders to remain home from work, billing statements, prescriptions, test results, and more.

Employer Documentation

Your employer has to follow the lead of the insurer as to when you can return to work. It's a good idea to keep any correspondence from your employer in a folder of its own. While most claims run smoothly, you may have problems later on. For example, your employer may try to fire you for being out of work. This is illegal, so speak to a workers' comp attorney for any issues with a claim.

More Information Requested

It's not uncommon for the workers' compensation insurer to ask hurt workers for additional information to process the claim. Keep all correspondence from the insurer in a folder and be sure to note any deadline dates on your calendar. If you speak with either your employer or the workers' comp agency, make notes during or right after the call and keep them.

To learn more, contact a resource like The Law Offices of Oliver C. Minott.


18 March 2020

Working With A Lawyer

If you are injured in an accident, what is your first move? While getting medical care should be your first priority, the fact of the matter is that working with the right lawyer can be incredibly helpful in making it easier to prevent problems. For starters, your lawyer can talk with you about what to do in order to prevent problems with your paperwork, and he or she can chat with you about what to do when you start getting calls from other attorneys talking about the case. On this website, check out great tips and tricks you can use to prevent problems with your recovery from a financial perspective.